Retest Policy


Students who score below 80% on any summative assessment (major test) will have at least one opportunity to retest for a maximum grade of 80%. The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for the student. The student must come in during tutorials for tutoring over the material before retaking the test.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week of September 17, 2012

This week...

  • Monday-Unit 1 Test
  • Tuesday-Translating words into math operations ("increased by" means to add) AND practicing adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions, decimals, and integers
  • Wednesday-Reviewing expressions and equations (what's the difference?)
  • Thursday/Friday-Review order of operations and solve multi-step problems involving fractions, decimals, percents, and integers
Homework this week...

  • Tuesday-Gray book page 4 #1-8 odd AND page 5 #1-9 odd
  • Wednesday-Gray book page 7 #1-12 odd

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