Retest Policy


Students who score below 80% on any summative assessment (major test) will have at least one opportunity to retest for a maximum grade of 80%. The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for the student. The student must come in during tutorials for tutoring over the material before retaking the test.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Week of December 17 -21

  • 9 wk Review
    • students will begin Review in class and complete as homework..
  • Test
  • Test Corrections

Week of December 10-14

Monday - Wednesday
  • Matching Equations to Situations

  • Review- Equations
  • Review- Percents

***TEST - Dec 18 & 19 ****

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week Of  December 3-7

Monday -3
  • Unit 2 Assessment - Corrections
  • HW- Practice Writing Equations
Tuesday -4
  • Solving one-step and two-step equations
Wednesday -5
  • Solving one-step and two-step equations
  • Matching Equations to Word Problems
Thursday/Friday 6 & 7
  • Solving one-step and two-step equations
  • Quiz- Solving equations

** Next Assessment **

Dec. 18&19

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of November 26

  • Graph, Tables, Equations
  • HW- Review (due Wed)
  • Graph, Tables, Equations
  • Graph, Tables, Equations
  • Unit 2 Review - Dilation, Scale Factor, Sequences
  • Unit 2 Assessment- Scale Factor, Dilation, Sequences, Graphs , Equations

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week Of  November 12- 16

Monday- 12
  • Sequences- "find a pattern within a given set of numbers"
  • HW: Sequences
Tuesday 13
  • Sequences- matching a sequence to a table and a graph
  • HW: Sequences
Wednesday 14
  • Sequences- matching a sequence to a table and a graph
  • HW: Sequences
Thursday 15
  • Sequences- matching a sequence to a table, graph, and verbal expression
  • HW: Sequences
Friday 16
  • Sequences- matching a sequence to a table, graph, and verbal expression
  • HW: Sequences
**** TEST Rescheduled ****

Monday, November 5, 2012

Week of  November 5- 9

Monday- Similar Figures- Using proportions
HW: Similar Figures

Tuesday - Similar Figures
HW: Word Problems using Similar Figures

Wednesday- 3-D Similar Figures
HW: Worksheet 3-D Figures

Thursday/Friday - Quiz Similar Figures , Introduce -Indirect Measurement
HW: Indirect Measurement

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of October 29-Nov 2


In Class: Reflections and Translations on a Coordinate Plane

HW: Workbook pg 52 & 53  (along with any unfinished notes)


In Class: Dilations (Similar Figures)

HW: HW/IP 2-2-2  "Reduction or Enlargement?"


In Class: Dilations on a Coordinate Plane

HW: HW 2-2-3 "You Draw It"


In Class: Review/Practice all transformations on a coordinate plane

HW:  HW 2-2-5 Scale Factor

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week of October 22


In class-- 8th graders will have ReadiStep test on Monday. If they attend math class as part of their modified schedule they will be practicing unit rates.

HW-- None


 In Class-- Application Problems involving proportional relationships

HW-- Finish Proportional Problems 1-8 from class


In class-- Converting between measurement systems

            Ex: Every year, the New York City Marathon which is 42 km, is run by thousand of people. how many miles are in 42 km? Round to the nearest tenth. 

HW-- Complete remaining measurement problems from class.


In class-- Bundle 2 Unit 1 Test -- covering the following topics: proportional relationships (of all kinds--percents  involving tax, tip, commission, interest, discount, sale price and unit rates)


Friday, October 12, 2012

Week of October 15


In Class solving real-life problems involving discount, sale price, tax, tip, and total cost
HW 4 questions over discount, sale price, tax, tip, and total cost


In Class solving real-life problems involving discount, sale price, tax, tip, and total cost
HW Complete relay questions if needed


In Class solving real-life problems involving commission
HW Commission table and questions 1-4


In Class solve real-life problems involving simple interest and solving application problems involving all proportional relationships (ex: I can type 75 words per minute, at this rate how many words can I type in half an hour?)
HW Bargain Hunting table

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week of October 9

  • In class-find part, whole, and percent of a number
  • HW-Activity 39-percent application problems
  • In class-rate of change and percent of change (remember the ratio is difference over original)
  • HW-half sheet 1-5
  • In class-CBA 1
  • HW-NONE!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Week of October 1

This week....

Monday-Review quiz from last week, practice word problems, and discuss what makes an answer reasonable
Tuesday-setting up and solving proportions
Wednesday-setting up and solving proportions
Thursday/Friday-Unit 2 Assessment (major test!)

Homework this week....Test review will be given on Monday and due on Thursday/Friday

Monday-8.2C 1/2 sheet
Tuesday-Writing an equation for and solving the proportions we work on in class
Wednesday-8.1B Independent Practice 1/2 sheet. This only has three questions, but each question has several extension questions.
Thursday/Friday-No homework-enjoy your weekend!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week of September 24

This week...

  • Monday-solving multi-step problems involving rational numbers-specifically integers (positive and negative whole numbers). Try balancing your parents checkbook!!
  • Tuesday-more multi-step problems-matching equations to word problems then solving those equations
  • Wednesday-more multi-step problems involving rational numbers
  • Thursday/Friday-quiz and more practice solving multi-step problems involving rational numbers.

All students have notes on how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, decimals, and integers. You will need these skills in order to solve all of the multi-step problems we work through during the week. Be sure to use these notes to help you be successful!

Homework this week...

  • Monday-"Operations with Rational Numbers" worksheet
  • Tuesday-8.2A TAKS practice 1-6 worksheet
  • Wednesday-Red book page 16 #1-5. Match AND solve #5
  • Thursday/Friday-Red book pages 16-17 #1-4. These are the questions for 8.2B

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week of September 17, 2012

This week...

  • Monday-Unit 1 Test
  • Tuesday-Translating words into math operations ("increased by" means to add) AND practicing adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions, decimals, and integers
  • Wednesday-Reviewing expressions and equations (what's the difference?)
  • Thursday/Friday-Review order of operations and solve multi-step problems involving fractions, decimals, percents, and integers
Homework this week...

  • Tuesday-Gray book page 4 #1-8 odd AND page 5 #1-9 odd
  • Wednesday-Gray book page 7 #1-12 odd

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10th

This week we will be...
  • reviewing squares and square roots
  • scientific notation
  • converting between fractions, decimals, and percents
  • ordering fractions, decimals, and percents (use a number line to do this)
Homework this week...
  • Monday night-Red book page 15 #1-5
  • Tuesday-Gray book page 20 #1-12
  • Wednesday-Gray book page 12 #1-6 and 10-13 (on a number line)
  • Thurs/Fri-complete classwork as needed
Major test Monday 9/17 covering the real number system, problem solving, squares and square roots, scientific notation, comparing and ordering real numbers.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week of September 4th

Remember no school Monday! Enjoy Labor Day.

When you return on Tuesday we will be covering the Real Number System. Here is a link to better understand what this is.

HW Tues is to complete the Real Number System worksheet you started in class.

Open house is next Thursday 9/6 beginning at 6:30. Hope to see you there!

First early release Friday will also begin next week.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Welcome back 8th graders! Hope you had a wonderful summer. Now it is time to get back to school and back to math. We will start off the year learning problem solving strategies that will help you tackle those long, confusing word problems.

Check this blog weekly for upcoming information and daily activities.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week of May 7, 2012

This week 8th graders will:

  • Take their first Algebra test on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Learn how to solve one and two step equations.

Week of April 30, 2012

This week 8th graders will continue to prepare for Algebra by combining like terms in geometry and by applying the distributive property to simplify expressions.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week of April 23, 2012

This week we are learning about the Associative, Commutative, and Distributive properties of integers. We are also simplifying expressions by combining like terms.

8th graders will participate in a Science/Social Studies camp on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then they will take their STAAR tests over both subjects on Thursday and Friday. Good luck 8th graders!

Finally, Friday, April 27, 2012 is NOT an early release day. This will be a full day due to STAAR testing.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Week of April 16, 2012

This week 8th graders will start their Algebra Unit. They will cover the following this week:

  • Translating expressions and equations
  • Evaluating expressions
  • Translating expressions and equations from word problems

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week of April 10, 2012

No school Monday, April 9, 2012.

This week 8th graders will be reviewing for and taking CBA #5. This will cover Pythagorean Theorem, Irrational Numbers, Scatterplots, Probability, Measures of Central Tendency (mean, median, mode, range), and Graphs.

LINK for the review.

The end of the grading period is Friday, April 13, 2012.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Week of April 2, 2012

Math students will be in the computer lab each day this week completing their Unit 7 MYP Project. This is a cross-curricular project incorporating Social Studies objectives (Civil War statistics) with Math objectives (using appropriate graphs to display data). This information will be presented using Technology objectives (creating graphs in Excel, researching on the Internet). All students will present their final data in a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or using other media of their choice.

Final project is due by Thursday, April 5, 2012. REMINDER-School is out Friday 4/6 and Monday 4/9.

LINK for the rubric and guidelines.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week of March 19, 2012

STAAR test next TUESDAY!

8th graders will take their Math STAAR test on Tuesday, March 27. Please make sure they are prepared by getting plenty of rest the night before and having a healthy breakfast the morning of (remember, breakfast is served for free in the cafeteria).

This week we will be covering data analysis and different types of graphs. Make sure you are familiar with line plots, bar graphs, line graphs, box-and-whisker plots, circle graphs, histograms, and scatterplots.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Strategies Project

Math strategies students are currently working on a geometry and measurement project. Some have requested to work on this at home. Here is a LINK to the project.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


We have started our unit on probability. Students should be able to compare and contrast the various types of probability we study-Experimental probability, Theoretical probability, Independent events, and Dependent events.

Here are LINKS for the weekly assignments.

7-1 GP
7-2 Word Problems
Extra practice and TAKS problems

Friday, February 24, 2012

Unit 6 MYP Project-The Pythagorean Theorem

This project was started in class on Thurs 2/23 and Fri 2/24. The final project is due Monday 2/27 (Alter and Craft) or Thursday 3/1 (Engh). Email your level teacher for clarification if needed.

LINK to project

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week of February 21, 2012

This is the last week for application problems involving the Pythagorean Theorem. Here is a link for two assignments this week.

Assignment 6-8
Extra practice

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feb 15-17 Continue Pythagorean Theorem

Starting Wednesday we will continue modeling the Pythagorean Theorem. Remember that in a right triangle, the area of the two smaller squares will equal the area of the largest square. Finding the square root of the area will give you the side length as well.

LINK to HW from Wednesday
LINK to HW from Thursday/Friday

Thursday, February 9, 2012

CBA #4 Mon 2/13 and Tue 2/14

Students will take CBA #4 Monday and Tuesday of next week. This will cover 3D views, surface area and volume. Here is a LINK to the review.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week of February 6, 2012

Monday-final Unit 5 project due
Tuesday-DBA (4 hour test)
Wednesday-Friday-we will begin our unit over Irrational Numbers (LINK to 8.1C) and Pythagorean Theorem (LINK to 8.7C modeling the theorem).

LINK to interactive practice. Look for TEKS 8.1C and 8.7C

FYI-Friday, 2/17 is the end of the six weeks (originally had it posted as this Friday 2/10 by mistake). Mrs. Craft will have tutorials in room 105 this Wednesday 2/8. Any student may attend.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Volume and important dates

This week we are finishing up volume and learning how scale factor effects volume (8.10B Describe the resulting effects on volume when the dimensions of a solid are changed proportionally) Here is a LINK to additional practice found online.

8th graders have a test this Thurs/Fri 2/2 and 2/3 covering 3D views, surface area, and volume. Here is a LINK to the test review.

Other important dates: 

Unit 5 project (cereal box) is due Monday 2/6.

Math DBA (mock STAAR test) will be given Tuesday 2/7. Students will have 4 hours to complete the test. Please make sure your student is prepared by being well rested and having a healthy breakfast that morning.

Math CBA #4 will be given Mon 2/13 and Tues 2/14.

Finally, please consider subscribing by email to this blog (this is found on the right hand side as you scroll). You will receive an email each time we update the blog and won't have to check it everyday. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week of January 17, 2012

Level Math students will be tested over Surface Area this week. Here is a LINK to review 5-10.

Part I of project is due this week (see previous posts for more info).

We will begin Volume of Prisms and Cylinders this week. Here is a LINK to volume HW 5-12/5-13. Try to solve the problems before we even begin in class. All you will need is a formula chart!

Friday, January 13, 2012

MYP Unit 5 project

MYP Unit 5 Project has been assigned. Part I is due Thurs/Fri 1-19/1-20. You are required to have your cereal box in class each week. Part II is due Thurs/Fri 1-26/1-27. Part III will be completed in class Thurs/Fri 2-2/2-3. Final Project is due Monday, February 6, 2012.

LINK to Unit 5 Project

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Surface Area Practice

Find surface area using nets and an area table or you can find surface area using formulas. When using formulas remember that P is the perimeter of the base and B is the area of the base.

LINK to Surface area of prisms HW

LINK to Surface area of pyramids HW

LINK to Surface area of cylinders HW

Friday, January 6, 2012

Total and Lateral Surface Area

We have started learning how to find surface area from the net of a three dimensional figure. See previous posts for online help.


LINK to HW 2