Retest Policy


Students who score below 80% on any summative assessment (major test) will have at least one opportunity to retest for a maximum grade of 80%. The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for the student. The student must come in during tutorials for tutoring over the material before retaking the test.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Week of April 2, 2012

Math students will be in the computer lab each day this week completing their Unit 7 MYP Project. This is a cross-curricular project incorporating Social Studies objectives (Civil War statistics) with Math objectives (using appropriate graphs to display data). This information will be presented using Technology objectives (creating graphs in Excel, researching on the Internet). All students will present their final data in a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or using other media of their choice.

Final project is due by Thursday, April 5, 2012. REMINDER-School is out Friday 4/6 and Monday 4/9.

LINK for the rubric and guidelines.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week of March 19, 2012

STAAR test next TUESDAY!

8th graders will take their Math STAAR test on Tuesday, March 27. Please make sure they are prepared by getting plenty of rest the night before and having a healthy breakfast the morning of (remember, breakfast is served for free in the cafeteria).

This week we will be covering data analysis and different types of graphs. Make sure you are familiar with line plots, bar graphs, line graphs, box-and-whisker plots, circle graphs, histograms, and scatterplots.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Strategies Project

Math strategies students are currently working on a geometry and measurement project. Some have requested to work on this at home. Here is a LINK to the project.