Retest Policy


Students who score below 80% on any summative assessment (major test) will have at least one opportunity to retest for a maximum grade of 80%. The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for the student. The student must come in during tutorials for tutoring over the material before retaking the test.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 2, 2012

Day 1 after the break we will start exploring 3D views.

Look up the following vocabulary words: Isometric Views, Orthographic Views, and Mat Plans and determine the meaning and use of each word.

LINK to Spiral HW Week 4-2

LINK to HW assigned Tuesday and due Wednesday

LINK to classwork for Wednesday

BE SURE TO READ THE PREVIOUS POST for several links to check out over the break.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Coming up after the break...

Next semester we will start off the year by covering TEKS 8.7A (drawing three-dimensional figures from different perspectives) and TEKS 8.8A and 8.8C (finding total and lateral surface area). Check back often over the break for links to help be prepared for next semester. Have a safe and wonderful winter break!

LINK to video tutor for drawing 3 dimensional figures

LINK to video tutor for surface area

LINK to another video tutor for surface area

LINK to REVIEW game for scientific notation-large numbers

LINK to REVIEW game for scientific notation-small numbers

LINK to Wheel of Fortune game-geometry edition

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CBA #3 Mon 12/12 and Tue 12/13

LINK to CBA #3 Review Due for homework with a parent signature

LINK-practice quiz over dilations for review

LINK-online transformations review (reflections, translations, dilations)

LINK-Brain Pop review for indirect measurement (similar figures)

All 8th graders will be taking CBA #3 next week. This test will cover Scientific Notation, Similar Figures, Indirect Measurement, Dilations, Translations, Reflections, and Effects of Scale Factor on Perimeter and Area.


O x SF = N

O perimeter x SF = N perimeter

O area x SF squared = N area

and SF is the ratio of New over Original

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

MYP Unit 4 Project-Landscaping with dilations, translations, reflections

This project was assigned the week after Thanksgiving. The due date varies depending on the teacher. It must be completed before the winter break or it will go in the grade book as a zero.

LINK to MYP Unit 4 Project

Composite figures-Tue 12/6/11 and Wed 12/7/11

LINK to textbook help for composite figures

We are currently covering composite figures. See example below for help. Homework is at the bottom of the page.


Composite figures: A figure (or shape) that can be divided into more than one of the basic figures is said to be a composite figure (or shape).
For example, figure ABCD is a composite figure as it consists of two basic figures.  That is, a figure is formed by a rectangle and triangle as shown below.

The area of a composite figure is calculated by dividing the composite figure into basic figures and then using the relevant area formula for each basic figure.

Example 11

Find the area of the following composite figure:

The figure can be divided into a rectangle and triangle as shown below.

So, the area of the composite figure is 222 cm2.