Retest Policy


Students who score below 80% on any summative assessment (major test) will have at least one opportunity to retest for a maximum grade of 80%. The higher of the two grades shall be recorded for the student. The student must come in during tutorials for tutoring over the material before retaking the test.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week of September 4th

Remember no school Monday! Enjoy Labor Day.

When you return on Tuesday we will be covering the Real Number System. Here is a link to better understand what this is.

HW Tues is to complete the Real Number System worksheet you started in class.

Open house is next Thursday 9/6 beginning at 6:30. Hope to see you there!

First early release Friday will also begin next week.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Welcome back 8th graders! Hope you had a wonderful summer. Now it is time to get back to school and back to math. We will start off the year learning problem solving strategies that will help you tackle those long, confusing word problems.

Check this blog weekly for upcoming information and daily activities.